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Learn more about the many ways Medicinal Natural alternatives can help

CBD Resources

Learn more about the many ways cbd can help

A note from the creator

At Tender Loving Cannabis, we value the empowerment of knowledge. Take health into your own hands and learn how CBD, THC and other natural medicinal alternatives interacts with the body.  We have gathered and organized information to help ease the complexity in understanding the many ways they can benefit our health and well-being.

If you have additional questions, or a personal situation you are unsure about with the use of CBD or THC, we encourage you to reach out with message on our contact page. There should be no reason to feel hopeless when it comes to our health, the more we learn the better we can feel in control of our lives.

Knowledge is Power.

Adapyogenic plants
Kenneth J. Good

Fatigue, and How Adaptogenic Plants Can Help

It’s been a long day. Your feet hurt. Back is sore, and worst of all you’re exhausted. You get some sleep and what the hell? You’re still feeling the same way. Fatigue. The never ending level of exhaustion which shuts us down both mentally and physically. We’ve all been there. It sucks! Especially when you […]
 |  Kenneth J Good

“Nootropics, or smart drugs,” are a class of substances that can boost brain performance. These are often referred to as brain boosters. Enhancing Memory, Concentration, Mood, and Learning, while also stimulating Nerve-Growth-Factor or NGF. The process which repairs and forms new neurons.

 |  Kenneth J Good

Adaptogens are plants, typically herbs or mushrooms, which have been found to help your body adjust to all forms of stress allowing you to remain in homeostasis…

 |  Kenneth J Good

What research is now finding, is that People can take what is being referred to as Microdosing, and receive all the benefits Psilocybin has to offer. From restoring your brain to boosting creativity.

July 12, 2022 | Kenneth J Good

These beneficial plants which have been used for thousands of years, may be what we need to solve the Dementia crisis. These plants in today’s World, are now known as Nootropics, and Nootropics have been found to not only protect against diseases such as Dementia, they have also been found to improve memory, concentration, and mood in Dementia patients.

29 March 2021 | Jessica Reid

Phoenix Tears are a high THC concentrate oil made from the Cannabis plant. It is also commonly referred to as RSO; Rick Simpson Oil. Learn about how to use phoenix tears for treating Cancer and managing Cancer treatment symptoms.

Cannabis bud with a Cancer ribbon
17 March 2021 | Jessica Reid

Although Cannabis has yet to be scientifically proven as a cure for cancer, many forward-thinking countries have recognized the healing benefits of Cannabis.

 |  Jessica Reid

Medical Marijuana is used recreationally by many people to self-medicate symptoms of neurological disorders such as Parkinsons Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, and Schizophrenia.

Image of cute dog relaxing in the mountains.
 |  Jessica Reid

CBD is becoming a popular natural alternative for managing and maintaining pet ailments and overall pet health. Learn more about how CBD can work for your pet at home.

13 April 2021 | Jessica Reid

There are many options available on the market and it can become a little overwhelming when trying to choose the right product for you. Some users may be only be interested in psychoactive effects (the high) of THC along with the coinciding benefits. Others may not like the “High” at all and wish to stay in the comforts of CBD products.

12 January 2021 | Jessica Reid

When trying to understand how Cannabis works for our bodies, we must first understand what it is in our bodies that responds so well to Cannabis. You will be surprised to learn this involves one of our most important bodily systems. The Endo-Cannabinoid System.