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Cambodian Psilocybin Mushroom

Cambodian psilocybin mushroom strain, originally found in the Ankor Wat Temples of Cambodia, yields a pleasurable long-lasting experience to even those starting out. Users can expect to feel full of energy with moderate to strong hallucinations while riding a light body buzz. Great for beginners and using in social environments because of its limiting effects only to what you see instead of all 5 of your senses.

Strength: Mild

Trip: Energetic, drive, focus, social. Mild body buzz. Strong hallucination with higher dose.



  • Neurodegenerative Repair | Clears Brain Fog |

    Boosts Creativity & Cognitive Processing |

    Aids with Depression & Addiction | Improves Mood |

    Increase Energy | Relieves Stress | Motivation



Depending on the type of experience you wish to have start with .5 – 1g and increase as needed every hour.

Typical high last 6 hours when a minimum of 0.5 grams are consumed, although each trip will vary between users. 

Low: 0.5 – 1 gram
Medium: 1 – 2 gram
Strong: 2.5 – 5 gram

How to Use

Mushrooms can be ingested many ways, you can keep it simple or get creative.

Some common ideas are:

As is, chew and swallow.

Steeped with a tea.

With food, on pizza, ground on ice cream.



Premium Dried Cambodian Mushrooms

Psilocybin Mushrooms

Most often used as a Psychedelic drug making people have visual hallucinations, Psilocybin has been found to be an effective treatment for those suffering from treatment resistant depression. Medicinal benefits from Psilocybin can be obtained from amounts significantly below the minimum threshold of intoxication, in what is commonly referred to as Microdosing, or from doses above half a gram giving the user psychedelic effects, referred to as Tripping. Psilocybin can also be classed as a Nootropic as it has been found to increase the amount and density of our dendritic spines, which are small protrusions found on nerve cells, aiding in the transmission of information between nerves, and boosting levels of neurogenesis.